Monday, April 18, 2011

new show

I alter... I rectify...
Thursday, May 5th, 7-10 pm
Bad Dog Gallery
808 E Garden St
DeKalb, IL 60115

Advanced Fibers exhibition featuring the work of:

Mary Baker
Jenna Goeringer
Mary Hintzen
Liz Z. Howell
Erin Paulson
Katherine Wolf

Mary Hintzen will be giving a live performance at 9 pm.

I'm working tirelessly towards this deadline! Well, maybe not tirelessly; I'm already pretty exhausted. But I will not concede!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I was screaming and no one could hear....

At long last I have some in process photos of the artist book I have been working on for the past month. It is based on a sound wave of my voice saying the words "I was screaming and no one could hear". The structure is the folding structure that I learned from Melissa Jay Craig, and the paper is handmade kozo sheets made with Eastern sheet formation. It is all hand-embroidered; as you can see I still have a lot more to go.

Ultimately the book will be housed in a handmade drop-spine box, also containing a hidden arduino lilypad which will allow for the viewer's interaction to reveal part of the title.

This is the mock-up; you can see that the book can open further.

This is the book in its current state.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Eva - one more time.

"I have learned anything is possible. I know that. That vision or concept will come through total risk, freedom, discipline. I will do it.
...It's not the new, it is what is yet not known, thought, seen, touched but really what is not, and that is."
~Eva Hesse