Monday, February 25, 2013

Aurora Borealis

A small embroidery I made this past fall. Have I mentioned lately how much I love French knots? And how one day I will see this in person instead of merely making time-consuming, unrequited embroideries?

6" x 7 1/2"

Saturday, February 23, 2013

awe and wonder

Watch this video! An incredible reminder of the wonder of the universe. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

new website

I am pleased to announce that I finally have a new website! 

I will have a blog as part of my website too, but unfortunately it does not contain an rss feed as far as I can tell, so I will still be maintaining this version of watermelon sugar. I may post different things on that blog; I maintain the prerogative to decide that at whim. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

thesis semester.

I'm working and working towards my thesis installation date of April 12th. The closing reception will be April 26th. I'll be showing at the Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery with my friends and classmates, Karen Hardy and Sarah Hulsey, who are both amazing artists. More info to come later.

I have the best thesis committee ever, my dream thesis committee, and I couldn't be happier!
Daniel Heyman
Tara O'Brien
Mary Smull

I'm still working on Mondays in conservation and it is just what I need right now. A day of quietude to clear my head, always delivering small breakthroughs while I am away from the studio, repairing these beautiful manuscripts that are inspiration in and of themselves.

This semester I have the privilege of an independent study in tapestry with Warren Seelig. The process is slow, but meditative, so of course I love it. It is my hope that the future will bring many tapestries.

When I am in the studio, this is the main thing I'm doing:

embroider --> pressure print --> embroider --> pressure print
repeat. times infinity.

Our end of semester visiting critic is one of my favorite artists, Andrea Dezso. This simultaneously makes me outrageously excited, and terrified beyond speech.

More to come later - possibly even an image or two!